All classes > gc > GcCameraFollowSettings

Size: 0x100, GUID: 0xA9061708E46005BD

Name Data type Description
Name String (0x10)
MinSpeed Float
SpeedRange Float
OffsetX Float Horizontal offset relative to the center (0). Negative values move the camera left, positive values move it right
OffsetY Float Vertical offset relative to the center (0). Negative values lower the camera, positive values raise it
OffsetYAlt Float
OffsetYSlopeExtra Float
OffsetZFlat Float
BackMinDistance Float
BackMaxDistance Float
BackSlopeAdjust Float
BackSlopeRotationAdjust Float
UpMinDistance Float
UpMaxDistance Float
UpSlopeAdjust Float
LeftMinDistance Float
LeftMaxDistance Float
PanNear Float
PanFar Float
UpGamma Float
HorizRotationAngleMaxPerFrame Float
VertRotationSpeed Float
VertRotationMin Float
VertRotationMax Float
VertRotationOffset Float
VertRotationOffsetMinAngle Float
VertRotationOffsetMaxAngle Float
VertStartLookingDown Boolean
DistSpeed Float
DistSpeedOutsideMainRange Float
DistStiffness Float
SpringSpeed Float
LockToObjectOnIdle Boolean
CenterStartTime Float
CenterBlendTime Float
CenterMaxSpring Float
CenterMaxSpeed Float
VelocityAnticipate Float
VelocityAnticipateSpringSpeed Float
VertMaxSpring Float
CenterStartSpeed Float
MinClose Float
MaxClose Float
CloseSpring Float
LookStickLimitAngle Float
EnableCollisionDetection Boolean Specifies whether the camera should collide with the world. Setting to False will make the camera clip through objects and the ground
NumLRProbes Int32
LRProbesRange Float
LRProbesRadius Float
NumUDProbes Int32
UDProbesRange Float
ProbeCenterX Float
ProbeCenterY Float
PushForwardDropoffLR Float
PushForwardDropoffUD Float
AvoidCollisionLRSpeed Float
AvoidCollisionUDSpeed Float
AvoidCollisionPushSpeed Float
AvoidCollisionUDUseStickDelay Boolean
AvoidCollisionLRUseStickDelay Boolean
UseSpeedBasedSpring Boolean
UseCustomBlendTime Boolean
CustomBlendTime Float