API guide

Due to how Blender handles adding and registering functions that can be publically used, all public API functions are located within the bpy.ops.nmsdk namespace. All operators MUST also be called with keyword arguments (see examples)

Exporting data from Blender


Export the entire current blender file.

output_directory : string

The full path of the directory the data is to be exported to. All subsequent folders will reside within this one. export_directory : string
The name of the path you want the data to be relative to the PCBANKS folder within the games' files.

group_name : string

Name of the sub-folder which the scene will be placed in. This can be used to group multiple exports all into the same folder.
Default: scene_name.

scene_name : string

Name of the scene being exported. Many files will use this as the main component of their filename.
Default: The name of the scene object (Ie. the object in the scene that is an empty reference node).

AT_only : boolean

Whether or not to export just the action triggers in the scene.
Default: False.

no_vert_colours : boolean

Whether or not the vertex colours should be exported. Generally models won't have vertex colouring unless you add it manually.
Default: False.

idle_anim : string

The name of the idle animation. If the scene contains no animations then this is not needed. If the scene is animated however this MUST be provided.
Default: ''.

This calls the same function as is used when operating NMSDK visually with blender, but with a slightly different call signature to allow exactness.
As this call is a blender operator, the scene itself must be loaded by an instance of blender.


# First, you need to have to have loaded the blender file with blender
# Let's say we have blender file with a scene node in it called 'NEWMODEL'
# In blender, you can then call the operator as follows:
# In this example the files will be produced in the directory
# with files such as 'NEWMODEL.SCENE.MBIN', etc.

# If we want to be extra-specific, or overwrite the name in the blender file we can:
# Where we will now get the files output in the same folder as before, but as a scene called 'SOMETHINGELSE.SCENE.MBIN', etc

Importing data into Blender


Import a complete NMS scene into blender.

path : string

The complete file path to a SCENE.MBIN or SCENE.EXML file to be loaded into blender.

The entire scene will be loaded into the active scene in blender.



bpy.ops.nmsdk.import_mesh(path, mesh_id)

Import part of a scene specified by the id of a mesh node in the scene file.

path : string

The complete file path to a SCENE.MBIN or SCENE.EXML file to be loaded into blender.

mesh_id : string

The Name of the TkSceneNodeData in the Scene being loaded.

Only this object will be loaded. None of the children will be.


bpy.ops.nmsdk.import_mesh(path='C:\\NMS-1.77\\MODELS\\PLANETS\\BIOMES\\COMMON\\CRYSTALS\\LARGE\\CRYSTAL_LARGE.SCENE.MBIN', mesh_id='_CRYSTAL_A')