Node Properties

Each node type has various properties that can be set. These are documented below.

Mesh Node

The Mesh node is only type of node that is used for mesh data that you want to be exported into a geometry file.

  • Requires Entity : bool

Indicates whether or not the specified mesh object has an associated entity. Selecting this will add an entity panel (see the page on adding entities for more details.)

  • Material : str

The path to a material file if the mesh object does not have a custom material within blender. If you are using vanilla materials or a material you have already created/exported, then you can speed up the export process by simply setting this value to the path of the material file.

Locator Node

A Locator node is used to create something at a particular point in space. Whether it me a place to group objects, or a location at which an interaction will occur at.
It is highly recommended that you use a Locator type node to handle interactions, instead of using entity files attached to a mesh node. This allows for more precise localisation of the interaction, as well as being able to safely and easily decouple the interaction location from any animated meshes. Not doing so can cause the camera to move wildly during an interaction.

  • Requires Entity : bool

Indicates whether or not the specified mesh object has an associated entity. Selecting this will add an entity panel (see the page on adding entities for more details.)

Reference Node

A Reference node is used to indicate that another scene is included by reference in the parent scene. This may sometimes happen multiple times in a scene in a nested fashion.

  • Reference Path : str

The path to the scene that is referenced within the parent scene at the specified location. This value can be set to nest vanilla scenes or already exported scenes within you current scene without having to export them again.

  • Scene Name : str

For a scene that is to be exported separately, but kept in the original scene as a reference, this is the base name of the scene file. So for example if you want a scene to be exported with the file name TESTCUBE.SCENE.MBIN, you would specify this to be testcube. The case of the value doesn't matter as it is always changed to uppercase in the export process.

  • Is a proc-gen scene? : bool

Used to indicate whether or not the scene being exported requires a descriptor to be produced, causing it be procedurally generated. For more info on how this works see here.

Descriptor Node

  • Proc type : enum - Choice of Always (Default) or Random

Whether or not the specified object is to always be rendered (pending rendering state of its parent), or whether it should be randomly chosen from a group containing all other objects with the same prefix at the same level.

  • Proc prefix : str

The prefix used to group all objects that are to be randomly selected.

For example, If you have 5 sibling all objects that you wish to be selected from, you would set this value to be the same for all of them. Note that NMSDK will construct the objects' name to be of the form _<prefix>_<node_name>. You can include leading or trailing underscores but NMSDK will standardise the name for it to not matter.

Collision Node

A Collision node is used to specify a primitive object that will be used as a collition for the model.

  • Collision Type : enum - Choice of Mesh, Box, Sphere, Cylinder or Capsule

The type of collision primitive to use.

  • Scale Transform : enum - Choice of Transform or Dimensions

Specifies whether the final transform of the collision object uses the objects' transform (Transform), or the actual size (Dimensions). This is useful if an object has has a scale transform applied to it, you can still retreive the shape of it by using the Dimensions option.

Note: If you are using a Mesh collision type you MUST apply any scaling or rotational transforms for the mesh to be exported correctly.

Light Node

A Light node is used to create a light source in the scene.

  • Intensity : float

The intensity of the light.

  • FOV : float

The field of view of the light source. Values can range from 0 to 360 (degrees).

Joint Node

A Joint node is used for animations involving bones and meshes with weight bindings. Currently the ability to export scenes with these types of animations is not possible but it will hopefully come in the future, so stay tuned!